Arkangel AI
26 sept. 2018 au 26 sept. 2019

We are looking for an expert in Health science to help us bring the bot to the Canadian market. Out current business model focuses on governmental health providers and the government. It would be great if you have connections to show our prototype face to face.

Les aptitudes: Aidant Génie Expert

Langues parlées : Anglais

Description du projet

Sphères d'activité: Santé

• An AI that prevents chronic diseases, think of it as the Siri of Health. Chronic diseases like diabetes and CVD are the leading cause of death in the world. Several publications insist that behavioural-change is the key to prevent them. The problem is that it is difficult to know where, when and how to act on fixing those behaviours. Enter Arkangel, a health-guardian that analyzes behavioural-data and tailors personalized lessons to improve the user-specific habits based on behavioural science. Our ever-growing library of scientific publications guides each step, while our algorithm’s goal is to eliminate the risk-factor before the disease happens.

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