21 Sep 2018to21 Sep 2019

Scrum master in Agile environment.

The aptitudes: Manager

Spoken languages: English French

Project description

Business activities: Sustainable development

"NoCO2" by GEOHOTSPOT ​Kickstarter project consisting of a mobile app to track and forecast CO2 emissions by people caused by their housing, consumption habits, mode of transportation (bicycle, car, plane, etc.) and trips' distances (tracked automatically by changes in the smartphone's gps coordinates, the app questions the user how he/she traveled once immobile after each trip). Then, the user has the option to offset some or all (0% to 100%) of those CO2 emissions with integrated payments to carbon offset providers like or ​The goal here is to get people to change their habits (purchases, activities, etc.) to KEEP OUR PLANET AS OUR HOME FOREVER!

5 other roles required for this project