Accessibilité à l'impression 3D | Accessbility to 3D printing
30 Sep 2018to01 Nov 2018

[English below] L'impression 3D est une technolgie qui peux être utilisé de façon avantageuse par des clients qui viennent de domaines très variés. Ceci posent un defis interessant pour le marketing puisque notre clientele sera composé de segments qui ont chacuns leurs particuliarités et necessite une strategie de marketing differente. 3D printing is a technology that can be used advantageously by clients coming from a variety of industries. This presents an interesting challenge for marketing because our customers base is composed of various segments that require their own marketing strategies.

The aptitudes: Searcher Seller Strategist

Spoken languages: English French

Project description

Business activities: Ecology Manufacturing Sustainable development

3D printing technologies are still not accessible enough to make their use mainstream. Either outsourcing options are too pricey or in-house solutions are too time consuming and require internal expertise. Further, additive manufacturing is inherently more environmentally friendly than subtractive technologies, given only the material needed to form the product is used. Our vision is to make fused filament fabrication accessible to anyone who wants to bring their ideas to life. This will be possible through extensive automation of the manufacturing processes and the development of a user-centric ordering platform. This will reduce the costs, lead times and barrier to entry.

1 other role required for this project