Local Babysitters
28 févr. 2018 au 28 févr. 2019
Description du projet

Sphères d'activité: Communauté Services à la personne Recrutement

Local Babysitters is setting out to fill a need for parents and babysitters by bringing a cash service up to today's digital standards. While there are some apps out there doing this, I have thought of a better way than what is out there now. A simpler and more trustworthy way to find, book and pay for a sitter. I'm looking for someone to help with coding and design. My background is not a technical one, although I've set out to learn some basics to be able to speak the language. I have worked through an MVP, have started looking for funding but need a true technical partner(s) to come along with me on this journey. Sound interesting? Let's connect!


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